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Friday, June 25, 2010

Europe Takes a Different Path

(PPI) This year's meeting of the G20 could be very interesting. With the EU in crisis, over the failure of socialist programs and the meltdown of economies worldwide, they are looking for different ideas and leadership. The major difference this time around, will most likely come from new leaders, but many in the USA have been emulating the old ideas of Socialism. The Europeans have flirted with communism for decades. They never had the ingrained near total societal rejection of communistic theory. They understand much more since they faced the Soviet Union for years. Capitalism was not a product of Europe, it was imported. So when the major powers in Europe turn away from socialistic principles this should be a major sign that they may be looking to a different path. They are beginning to look to smaller governments with fewer services.

It can be said that Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism were born from the abuses of imperial rule. Communism/Socialism on one side of the Atlantic and Capitalism on the other. We imported some of their ideas and they imported some of ours. But neither have totally fully embraced each others ideas. The United States has a history of independence and a pioneering history. When the expansion of the country was halted we began to look back to the east and found the new ideas of governance that appealed to many. The current leadership of the US seems to be trying to remake their country into a mirror image of the old world.

With the European experiences they've tried to blend these systems. Their long running experiment with social programs have taught them many lessons. They had a long history of the government providing services that most Americans have historically rejected. This system has shifted back and forth for many years and those on the continent of Europe are accustomed to the shifts. But there is a deep sense of history in these people. They understand how delicate political systems can be when put under pressure. They've seen wars that killed millions. They've seen the affects of the Soviet/Stalinist form of government. They understand totalitarian systems and I believe the leaders wish to avoid a return to tyranny.

The USA is flirting with the disaster and Europe see it. They are trying to save the EU by reeling in the massive debt that the Americans have embraced. History shows that when political systems collapse there are few survivors from the old system. Fear is a strong weapon, but it is hard to control the actions of those who are afraid. It can be very uncertain who the people will turn to when looking for solutions. The last time the US economy collapsed the country was a very different place. In the last 100 years the growth of knowledge in many ways has divided the country, but in other ways it provides an open channel to unite people around causes. The country avoided a civil war that time. I wonder if the American people will unite are divide after so many attacks on the society by the ruling parties.

The United States now has a President who is a Socialist and spent his youth to teenage years being indoctrinated to Communist ideas. He does not look to Capitalist ideas for solutions since he or his staff have no experience in that system. He has no idea how the American system has worked. It is clear that his solutions to all problems are within government. As he meets with the leaders of other major economies, I don't think these ideas will be greeted with much excitement. He is calling for increased debt with no understanding of how wealth is created. His idea of spreading the wealth around can not create wealth or prosperity.

The governments of the world must learn to live within the means of the people of each nation. Great Britain and Germany are leading the way in budget cuts. They understand that the destruction of wealth will never allow anyone to prosper. The riots of government workers in Greece are a warning to us all. The Government worker in Greece are in revolt by demanding far beyond the ability of the government to pay. The failure of leadership to control those in the service of the public shows how close we are to the danger of a totalitarian state.

I don't expect much from this years meeting of the G20 as far as answers from the US President, but I do think that the Europeans will not find any leadership from President Obama. They are going to have to defend their own economies to preserve their nations. If not they may find that others are ready to step forward with answers that will not be good for the world as a whole.

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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